Having enough staff to provide high-quality care to cancer patients will become a growing issue across Canada over the next\r\ndecades. Statistical predictions indicate that both the number of new diagnoses and the prevalence of cancer will increase\r\ndramatically in the next two decades. When combining these trends with the simultaneous trend toward health human resource\r\nshortage in Canada, the urgency of assuring we have adequate staff to deliver cancer care becomes clear. This research study focuses\r\ndirectly on oncology nurses. Guided by the grounded theory methodology, this research study aims to formulate a strategic,\r\nproactive peer preceptorship program through a four-phased research process. The goal of this research is to develop a program\r\nthat will support experienced staff members to fully implement their role as a preceptor to new staff, to facilitate effective knowledge\r\ntransfer between experienced staff to the new staff members, and to assure new staff members are carefully transitioned and\r\nintegrated into the complex ambulatory cancer care workplaces. In this article, the data from the first phase of the research project\r\nwill be explored specifically as it relates to establishing the foundation for the development of a provincial ambulatory oncology\r\nnursing peer preceptorship program.